With respect to our Lord’s Words, they cannot be misinterpreted, misunderstood. His Words are clear. If we accept the fact that medical students give their all for pursuing a medical career, if we accept the fact that soldiers give their lives for patriotic reasons, we most accept the demands that the Lord gives to those that are to be called His disciples.
Many Christians see Christianity as a mere escape from hell, as a free ride to heaven, but is much more than that. The abundant life in Christ has been confused with a life of luxury, with hardly any sacrifice. We find very difficult to reconcile our lives with those very strong radical teachings of our Lord and Savior.
To have a correct understanding of Jesus’ love for us is the beginning to start living a fully devoted life for Him. When we grasp the fact that the Creator of the universe became a man to suffer and die for our sins, then we start to love Him in return. A thousand years of daily devotion and service to Him wouldn’t be enough as thanksgiving for what He has done for us. Our love for Him ought to be above all other loves, including self. Jesus said: “If anyone comes to me and doesn’t hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brother and sister, yes, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
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