As Christ’s disciples, we need to understand the urgency of using our time and resources for reaching others with the gospel. If we had the cure for cancer, and we wouldn’t share it, we would be considered very selfish. We have something more precious than the cure for cancer; we have the cure for eternal damnation separated from God in a place of eternal torment. “Salvation” is in our hands, we must do whatever it takes to share the antidote with as many as possible.
Don’t live a careless lifestyle. Use the resources God gives you to win others for Christ. Another passage where Jesus spoke about this is found in Luke 16:9 “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” Our “things” can be used for eternal purposes, in which case it would be a treasure in heaven, or it could be use for selfish means, in which case is a treasure on earth.
This is not a call to be poor; this is a call to use the wealth the Lord provides you with for His glory. Live boldly for Him!
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