Friday, March 7, 2008


Over and over as I read the Bible, I'm amazed how God uses insignificant stuff for significant purposes. Let me explain by going through God's Book and just choosing a few of the many instances:
  • God used the dust of the earth to make mankind - Genesis 2:7
  • He used a rib from the man to make the woman - Genesis 2:22
  • He used Noah (one person) to save mankind and all the animals - Genesis 6:19
  • He used the seed of one man (Abraham) to form a race that no one can count - Genesis 22:17
  • He used Moses (one person) to save over 2 millions Jewish slaves from Egypt's domain - Exodus 3:10
  • He used Moses' staff to divide the waters and open a path for the Israelites to pass through - Exodus 14:16
  • He used the sound of trumpets to destroy the walls of Jericho - Joshua 6:5
  • He used trumpets, torches and empty jars and 300 men under the leadership of Gideon to defeat and army of 100,000 - Judges 7:16-22
  • He used a donkey's jawbone to save a nation (Samson) - Judges 15:16
  • He used one stone in the hand of a shepherd boy (David) to strike down the giant Goliath - 1st Samuel 17:40, 49
I'd love to mention many more examples in the Old Testament, but let's jump now to the New Testament and name a few:
  • Jesus used mud and saliva to heal the blind man's sight - John 9:6
  • Jesus used 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread to feed 5000 men plus women and children - Matthew 14:17, 21
  • Jesus used a boy's lunch to feed 5000 men plus their families - John 6:9-10
  • Jesus used Paul, a persecutor and murderer of Christians to eternally save many from hell, and to write many of the precious God-inspired books in the New Testament
Do you believe God can use you and me? Of course He can! It's not the small stuff in itself, it's what God can do with it if we would only offer it to Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mi amor,

Thank you for taking the time to put this great truth together in order to encourage all.

I am impressed on how many gifts he has given you and how you continue to use them for Him.

Praise God!
