Over and over as I read the Bible, I'm amazed how God uses insignificant stuff for significant purposes. Let me explain by going through God's Book and just choosing a few of the many instances:
- God used the dust of the earth to make mankind - Genesis 2:7
- He used a rib from the man to make the woman - Genesis 2:22
- He used Noah (one person) to save mankind and all the animals - Genesis 6:19
- He used the seed of one man (Abraham) to form a race that no one can count - Genesis 22:17
- He used Moses (one person) to save over 2 millions Jewish slaves from Egypt's domain - Exodus 3:10
- He used Moses' staff to divide the waters and open a path for the Israelites to pass through - Exodus 14:16
- He used the sound of trumpets to destroy the walls of Jericho - Joshua 6:5
- He used trumpets, torches and empty jars and 300 men under the leadership of Gideon to defeat and army of 100,000 - Judges 7:16-22
- He used a donkey's jawbone to save a nation (Samson) - Judges 15:16
- He used one stone in the hand of a shepherd boy (David) to strike down the giant Goliath - 1st Samuel 17:40, 49
- Jesus used mud and saliva to heal the blind man's sight - John 9:6
- Jesus used 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread to feed 5000 men plus women and children - Matthew 14:17, 21
- Jesus used a boy's lunch to feed 5000 men plus their families - John 6:9-10
- Jesus used Paul, a persecutor and murderer of Christians to eternally save many from hell, and to write many of the precious God-inspired books in the New Testament
1 comment:
Mi amor,
Thank you for taking the time to put this great truth together in order to encourage all.
I am impressed on how many gifts he has given you and how you continue to use them for Him.
Praise God!
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