I will ask you that as you read these words, you would do it with a desire that God will speak to your heart. For me, this truth is most fascinating, most important, and the central point of my life. When we perceive what happened in Calvary when Christ died, we are confronted with the biggest dilemma of the largest magnitude in our lives, and we are forced to make the toughest decision of either give everything or nothing. So many times we've heard about Christ dying for us, but what would happen if we were transported 2000 years back into history and we could contemplate this event, of seen the blood being shed and dripping from Jesus' body, seen the God made man dying on it, and we had the capacity to understand completely what was happening. That this sacrifice was designed by the Creator of the Universe for the forgiveness of mankind's sins, to free us from an eternity in a anguishing hell, to give us abundant, fulfilled lives and eternal life together with Him.
Me, amazed by the dimensions of such great salvation, fell down on my knees, surrendering before Him, and since then, I haven't stopped to worship Him. I can't stopped being amazed by His grace bestowed upon me. Day and night, I am fascinated and enthusiastic about Him who has called me from the deepest darkness into His wonderful Light, from death to life.
I invite you to listen to His calling. He is telling you: "I love you, I died for you, repent and turn to me." Listen, and respond to His voice.
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